Bobby Fleet Transmission
Bobby Fleet was a Improve Poetic Rock band from Bowling Green, KY. They disappeared in 1997 and ever since amplified transmissions can be detected from the Sirius Dog Star.
What’s in a mind? also known as What's in a Spaceship circa 1996.
I love
In the way I looked
Into those glassy spheres
That you call eyes.
Outside-come in through
My headlong mirror
Made out of unholy tree.
She comes with others
But never with me
And in days past the peak
Of a moral expression
Something comes weak
Which is truly quite handsome.
Still, the rat has a vision
Which converts all the truth.
So beneath underground,
On with tunnels of streams,
And on with the witness
Forget what she’s seen.
Hole in wisdom
Band-Aid for crimes
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