
Taken from NORML press release
Nov 22, 2019
Congressional Committee Votes Yes to De-schedule Cannabis
Washington, DC: Members of the United States House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday passed legislation – House Bill 3884: The Marijuana...

Chad C Rediker
May 9, 2018
CCR Metro Council Speech #1 Medical Cannabis & Bi-Polar Disorder
Our Founder, CCR, addressed the Louisville Metro Cannabis on March 8th about the need for more research into cannabis and its' possible...

Matt Agorist
Jun 16, 2017
Republicans & Democrats Join Together in Senate to Legalize Pot on Federal Level
In a bipartisan push back against the tyrannical Jeff Sessions and his relentless war on cannabis, U.S. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky),...

Colin Dwyer NPR
Jun 1, 2017
Ohio Sues 5 Major Drug Companies For 'Fueling Opioid Epidemic'
The state of Ohio has sued five major drug manufacturers for their role in the opioid epidemic. In the lawsuit filed Wednesday, state...